Friday, May 19, 2017

Comic Reviews of the week 5/19/17 by Anthony Andujar Jr

   Hey guys it's been a very busy week with Math Classes, British Literature and Urban Sociology. Here are some of the comics from last week and this week that I reviewed. 

   Dan Jurgens is bringing back some classic 90s villains who had a lot to do with Superman's demise in the 90s during Jurgens tenure in the 90s, and this time, they seek revenge in Action Comics #979
   Lobo Kearns to warm up with the public in JLA#6
    Nightwing and The Flash (Wally) have a guys night out. 
Nightwing #21
  I've been so busy, but until next week, keep learning, keep reading, don't melt under the sun, and enjoy the weekend!!!! 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Button arc part 3 and Comic Reviews 5/5/17 by Anthony Andujar Jr

   Hi everyone, I hope things have been fine. Here are some links to some of the reviews that I've written on the Fanboy Factor website. On a side note, I've completed my comic projects in regards to colors and art. Now it's just adding text.  Other than that....
Joshua Williamson and Tom King are coming out with the hits!!!!! 

 While readers are not required to read everything that Tom King has done on Batman or what Joshua Williamson has done on The Flash, it's a bit worthwhile. But, If you have read Flashpoint and especially if you've read DC Rebirth, then Batman #21 and Flash #21 are good jumping on points to the biggest thing happening within DC Comics and within the realm of comic books in general. 

   The third chapter of The Button arc continues in :

  In addition, Tim Seeley and Javier Fernandez conclude the Nightwing Must Die arc in :.

Gleason and Tomasi continue their superb run on everyone's favorite Man of Steel in :