Sunday, January 27, 2019

Justice League # 16 and The Wildstorm #19 reviews by Ant Andujar Jr

Hi guys!!! I know I've been a little inactive on here. I've been mostly posting my comic book reviews onto the Fanboy Factor website, so whenever I'm doing something I always end up saying to myself "jeez!! I gotta also post this to my blog so people can check it out!". I've been busy with working on some comics, and most especially the interpreting classes that I end up getting a little overwhelmed and preoccupied with the assignments. But I wanted to post my favorite comics from last week!

Snyder and Tynion's Justice League issue 16 was a definite fave of mine. We discover a bunch of secret information about Perpetua and her influence across the multiverse! You can read all about my review by clicking the link below:

  Another favorite title is Warren Ellis's The Wildstorm issue 19! This series has been phenomenal and continues to create new takes on classic Wildstorm characters and reshaping them in contemporary way that makes this book shine. As Jenny Spark's and The Doctor round up member to form their own Authority, other forces begin to make their move. A storm is coming but will The Authority be enough to stop what IO and Sky Watch ? You can read all about my review here by pressing the link below:

 These two were among some of my favorite titles last week.  I'm really digging what Tomasi is doing on Detective Comics as it is nearing it's historical 1000th issue! It's history in the making in the same way that Action Comics did for Superman. Other titles that I've been enjoying have been Batman Beyond by Dan Jurgens, Justice League Dark by Tynion, Batman Who Laughs by Scott Snyder, Books of Magic, The Flash by Joshua Williamson and Green Lantern by Grant Morrison.  There are only so many titles to keep up with, so I tend to write reviews on the books I felt the most engaged with in between my class assignments and personal projects, work etc. I hope you guys are having a great Sunday and let me know what was your favorite titles this month!