Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blog 6 Brand Identification

Digital Iphone art by Anthony Andujar jr
 In a nutshell the brand that I gravitate towards is Marvel and DC comics(mainly marvel.) As a kid my father and I were active comic book readers. My first two comic books that I owned was Batman (DC) and X-Men(Marvel), and since I'm a 90's kid, I was always watching the Marvel and DC cartoons that were out at the time. Those cartoons instilled some moral lessons in my life at a young age. I related to the X-men because of the fact that I had deaf parents and that I am part of the deaf community as well as the culture, and that every one no matter what race, culture, religion etc, all have a story to tell and that If we cast aside these differences then we could actually find peaceful coexistence/progress. I related to Spider-man because he was just a young guy trying to figure out his life and learned some moral lessons along the way. Also, he's a New Yorker. 
  I gravitated to these characters alot. My parents deaf background was one thing, but when I was 5 years old I witnessed a shooting from the 4th floor window of my old apartment on 112st in Manhattan, I felt terrified and angry. I always had superheroes as source of inspiration to strive for better, as well as a creative, and artistic escape. I drew upon spider-man alot because of the Idea of an average person who could make some sort of extraordinary difference is one of the many reasons why I love the marvel comics brand, aside from me pursuing illustration and such. -A.A.J 
(at the top of the post you'll see A digital illustration that illustrated as well as a water colored one at the bottom. The Banner pic is by Gabrielle Del Otto)

Art by Anthony Andujar jr
Art by Gabrielle Del Otto lists of names by By Alex Zalben of

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Blog Post 5 Fast Food Nation Ch1-3 SUMMARY

Anthony Andujar jr
Prof: Dr. C.J. Smith

    In  Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation, the general Info of Chapters 1-3 of the book explains and examines the start of the fast food industry. Its roots as well as its steady development to the powerful industrial force that it is today. These chapters explore the similar themes of military and fast food. How specific people used militaristic approaches to getting target consumers and making sure to keep a market and reap profits.  Its approach also translates in their effort on their work/labor force and their environments.
   One must wonder, has the fast food industry always used the militaristic route, and if so, to what extent?
  In Chapter 1 The book starts off with Carl N. Karcher, and his humble beginnings, as a young man who had a job of his own, and over time would buy food carts like hotdog/frankfurter stands. It examines the origins of where the fast food industry was born, which was in Southern California. As the chapter progresses, we see the failures and achievements of some of the fast food restaurants that have come and passed. But out of the ashes of most failures, there were some that rose above, persevered and have become some of the industry giants/competitors of the fast food industry such as McDonalds and other franchises.
  In Chapter 2 Schlosser examines Ray Kroc and Walt Disney's childhood as well as their contribution and rise to the very companies that partly rule the world, which is McDonalds and Disneyland. Both Kroc and Disney served in World War 1, Kroc was and Disney were part of the ambulance corps, and Disney made propaganda films about nuclear bomb shelter techniques. These key factors contributed to their militaristic approach and view on how to get their target audience no matter what after World War 1 as well as World War 2. They would eventually merge their companies efforts due to commercial and market interest and are now two of the biggest Fast Food /Entertainment Giants in the world. While that was going on, Carl N. Karcher was building his independent restraint franchises as the fast food industry was blooming.
   In Chapter 3 Schlosser examines the significance of Colorado and its history, going in depth about how industrial fast food chains managed to get their hands in on them. This effort to generate brand loyalty since Colorado was the kind of place that was up for grabs in terms of location and technology. With the technological advancement that was being produced in Colorado, has helped McDonalds expand its reach around areas that almost seem rural. The main issue of each chapter is the predatory approach to the consumers as sheep to prey upon again and again.  With out giving consumers a chance to breath. The chapter also examines how fast food industries do not supply enough pay for minimum wage workers, which consist of youth, immigrants and the poor as seen in chapter 3(p.77).  Schlosser also mentions with in each of the chapters how corporations try to commit scams and illegal activities to further their control over workforce and environments.
   In Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation chapters 1-3, he explores the different aspects and beginnings of the fast food industry and how they have transcended over time. The chapters explored the humble beginnings of the fast food industry and the key players that were involved in making the franchises that are in power today. When one looks at the development of theses franchises, one could

Compare it to Anakin Skywalket of Staw Wars  or Magneto of the X-men. Both started off as young , promising men with good intentions, but over time are corrupted by their own visions . The chapters also go in depth with the very men who elevated their respected companies through militaristic approaches. The general theme of each of these chapters that keep recurring is the militaristic theme of power over the market and consumer, divide and conquer. This militaristic theme is the main looming figure of what the chapters establish and foreshadow what lays in the next few chapters ahead.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


  In Eric Schlossen's book Fast Food Nation chapter 2 "Your Trusted Friends" , schlossen goes into detail about two prominent figures who launched two large companies into (so far) a large reign of almost near eternity with in society. These two figures that are mentioned as influential icons of the easy food industry as well as mass media are : Ray Kroc , a former musician, business man as well as the marketing giant that lifted the Mcdonald brothers business and catapulted McDonalds into the fast-food giant that it is today. The other Iconic figure is the rather famous yet also infamous Walt Disney. Both of these men (Kroc and Disney) served time in World War 1. Both of these men were born a year apart. One could say that it was like fate. If a person would like to compare Kroc and Disney in how influential they are to fast food and media in the same vein as Tupac and B.I.G as the innovators of 90's hip hop, or The 90's seattle grunge scene, in terms of how influential these figures are, then one could guess so.
  Both of these men despite there different approaches in genre ( by genre meaning use of occupation , its just a metaphorical music reference like Punk Rock and Hip Hop's simultaneous emergence in the 1970's if that makes sense.) But both of these men despite their occupations (much better!) managed to develop their companies as well as redefining the food and entertainment industry at almost in the same time period. Despite these some what humble beginnings, Kroc and Disney had developed vicious personalities when it came to their businesses. Especially when it came to their philosophy about targeting their market place. This specific consumer market, this specific target, is youth /or children.
Because of their approach with colorful mascots, and reaching the hearts of children all around the globe , they're loyal service was typically right for the taking. As stated in pg 43 , schlosser elaborates these companies approach with a "cradle to the grave" method, utilizing a former child/grown adults nostalgia as a way to grip their consumer market for almost eternity (which is the intent any way.)  In page 43 of the book, it states that researchers find that children tend to " recognize a brand logo before they can recognize their own name.)
  Whether it is using Toys, Theme Parks, or Cartoon characters, Kroc and Disney managed to create a perfect marketing system that seems to keep not just their businesses alive, but a marketing system that all companies have now more than ever adopted. Because of their approach ,to infiltrate the hearts and minds of children, they're able to hold on to their market and out of some form of "brand loyalty" (mentioned in the book), these consumers will come back for more. Schlosser goes to mention how the 90's economic boom is another example of how businesses utilized pop culture such as distributing Pokemon and Cabbage Patch kids toys as a way to lure in young consumers to their brand. Once the memory or moment is set, there is almost no turning back or flinching for the market consumers. As McDonalds and Disneyland's brands continued to develop to the point of being cooperative brands, who have a common goal ( think of it as like superman and batman working together based on the same common goal, despite their approach) making them a large force to be reckon with. Despite all of this, the fact that Kroc and Disney found a way to keep their companies alive due to sticking youths attention which helped to increase their monetary flow for a long time. Because they knew when to strike while the iron is hot, thats how they are the big company giants that they are.
  Over all their approach is like a stranger with candy luring in a less informed child with candy. Catch your consumer market with whatever ads that is geared to the consumers interest , then you got them . Consciously and unconsciously the big company plants a seed, they know it won't be as immediate with some, but give it time, and the interest will grow, and once a person gives into that interest, they get you. This is how Kroc and Disney approached the market and they did it in such a degree that is disturbingly successful. One must wonder ,how long it'll take for consumers to not only realize ,but resist these approaches before it consumes the rest of america? ,(let alone the world) One can say that Aldus Huxley was very ahead of his time when he published Brave New World. In the same way that the Controller would create specific programs for young children in that book, which is the same way  that these fast food chains and entertainment franchises have continued to make. -Ant.Andujar.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

ENG101 then documents blog entry 3: Fast Food Nation Chapter 1 Founding Fathers Summary

  In Eric Schlosser's Book Fast Food Nation, there appears to be an interesting section of how a lot of these fast food companies were born into existence. One has to ask, where did it start, who are the young men/women that started these franchises and what were the intentions. Did these intentions of young entrepreneurs start off as something of optimistic innocence ,or did it only appear that way to only show its true colors as time would come to pass? Like a Anakin Skywalker  who started off with good intentions to only end up as a mega corporate pioneer of death in the Star Wars franchise, themes of humble beginnings , and its future ramifications will be examined.
  Over all The book starts off with comparing fast food restaurants and military bases due to how strict and structural that they are when it comes to maintaining power in that sense. Its pretty metaphorical ain't it?
Getting past the introduction, Schlossen focuses on a specific individual, narrowing down how the fast food industry started.One of these individuals, was none other than Carl N.Karcher, who is one of the founding fathers of the fast food industry. Ah, Big things come from humble beginnings like small seeds to big trees. (you see where this is going right?) As schlossen continues examining and exploring karcher's beginnings, he then documents what was going on during karchers time starting out such as : The birth of Walt Disney theme parks, the GM motors collusion scams against trolly/railroads,along with buying out/shutting down businesses, the rise of car culture in places like California, Drive Through flourishing through out among other cultural impacting businesses and trends which are also spoken about in chapter 1. Many franchise were born such as Burger King, Wendy's , KFC , Taco Bell and others. But the main reason why the author focuses on Carl N. Karcher is all due to te fact that despite all of these great franchises (Mcdonalds being almost a chief monopoly) he managed to have one of the largest independent restraunt business amongst all of the madness and bloom of the fast food industry.
  Over all chapter 1 is all about the humble beginnings of the Fast Food Industry, (much like the musical british invasion, or the 90's grunge scene) and how its started, as well as Key players, and events that also happened during those times of the 1930's-50's. Some of the arguments that could be made is how certain fast-food franchises have managed to infiltrate all corners and almost all aspects of life, such as public schools for example. Already they are trying to garner their market by getting the attention of a young market place. Now this can be disputed about how a large company or franchise approach their market, but as schlosser goes in depth with the rise of these fast food franchises, the reader can already make an assumption that children have no chance in making up their own mind due to being young and vulnerable to market and media advertising. And because of that kind of market exposure, they barely have a chance to think of other options once a bright and colorful mascot enters the scene. Once that happens, their bound to be trapped in the sugar coated prison of market media. What starts as a benefit of expansion, suddenly becomes a devoting establishment of a soon to be ( already present) global fast food empire. (boom. See what I did just there ? referenced star wars in the beginning and mentioned it at the end. Full circle. Yup. There we go.)  -Ant.Andujar.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy international women's day! Which should be like that every day

So I saw this post about international women's day, and They forgot Ada Lovelace, who created the first computer program and pretty much created coding in general. Any one who has some sexist mindset , and think that woman can't do much, well first off spartan women  were the fiercest. Like a lioness to a lion. And then we have Wonder Woman, we have tons of women who create and have accomplished positive endeavors that changed and redefined humanity and technology. Just know , men may give the seed, and it's a 50/50thing, but it's women who do the rest and create us , Men. So give that mother in your life, that sister who is doing the right thing, the women that hustle no matter what for themselves and their loved ones , respect them every day. Because you have to wonder, how can a king have an heir, with out a queen? Especially one that guides him and his young. -Ant.Andujar

Popcorn and 300: Rise of an Empire

Even though there was never a sequel to the original frank miller graphic novel, you can always leave it to history to allow for one. 300: Rise of the Empire was great to watch from beginning to end. A fun film . The battle of Thermopylae continues . A great film to watch just to see action, and a nice one to see how they expand from the last one, moving from the marines(Spartans) to the navy(Athenians ). Eva Green, a sight for sore eyes in almost any film...I'll just leave it to that. Popcorn was good too . A usual treat to a movie that's great to eat. There, movie an food in one post. Checkmate. You'd know what I mean if you see the film for yourself. If you're not into having fun watching just action and visual eye candy as well as flip on history, well i'd say it's fun to watch with friends. Don't worry, I'll be getting to fast food nation soon. All in due time. -Ant.Andujar jr.

Friday, March 7, 2014

ENG101post2 The meaning of food in my life?

   In life, there are tons of qualities, and aspects of what helps us live and produce every day. There are so many things that we know of, yet like life itself, there is so much more that we don't know. Things that we take for granted, and in those respects, food is one of them. What food means to a homeless person, or to someone who never had the privilege to eat a variety of foods, let alone any is something to think about. It's something to keep in mind every time you eat.  Every time I bite in to food that I eat, whether it be at home, restaurant etc. I tend to think about the animals that were killed for our consummation. Because when you really think about it, it's a vicious cycle .
     It's definitely the kind of cycle that then puts into consideration how much work and effort one has to make to create a meal, let alone a great tasting/healthy one. If there is anything that good provides other than the nutrients, proteins, fibers among other things that keep civilization alive and in some aspects healthy(aside from fast food ), what food means to me is one thing among many. It means one thing entirely; which is Culture.
    In the same vain as how linguists try to find out about how language was born and created , or theologists and scientists, trying to find out when, where , who, why and how humanity was created , food goes hand in hand with that. I tend to think about how the food was produced or how it's F.D.A approved. What makes food in New York different from
Food in the Caribbean and so on. Because food is just as much as an art as art itself. It's able to give you nostalgia in the moment you bite into something so distant yet familiar. Whether it's reminiscing with friends over Chinese food, or tasting the golden layers of a well made waffle, or having a Spanish/ Italian fiesta, the food allows for memories to be created and remembered. Much like in the same effects of how movies, books and other media tend to do the same. Heck Geoff johns did a good example in his justice league run with Jim lee, where Wonder Woman is newly introduced tour world, and when offered ice cream(which she had no knowledge of since she is an amazon who had no experience with our culture) is ecstatic when she tried out ice cream and loves it. It's no different from a kid trying out their first ice cream or cookie. It's all about culture. It definitely is a way of life. It's something to think about on the long hours of school and work, and with that said, I'm hungry. No leave me be, cause I'm about go get some grub. Until next time folks.- Ant.Andujar.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My 3rd post is a brief essay which i just had to re edit due to a non working link.

The essay can be found in the link below this . It's part of my first assignment for ENG101. Enjoy. Feel free to comment . Constructive criticism is allowed ,anything beyond that leads to your untimely/timely demise hahahaha. Okay it won't . It shouldn't. But go on, press the link, the essay won't bite. Seriously, it won't . -Ant.A.

Anthony Andujar jr                                                                                                                            3/6/14 
ENG101                                                                                                                                               LAGCC 
Prof. Dr. C. Jason Smith 

Is America’s Food Supply Safe Essay? 

             In Dr. Acheson’s passage “Is America’s Food Supply Safe?” It appears to be that aside from reminding readers about the F.D.A’s (Food and Drug Administration) hand in preventing dangerous threats to agriculture that could be a threat to consumers, it largely directs its focus on the preservation of food production and the consumer’s health /wellbeing. The passage continually reminds the consumer about the F.D.A. and their responsibilities as an administration. The passage also makes effort to reassure the readers that the food that is produced will not be distributed to the general public unless it is F.D.A approved. 
          The title of the passage foreshadows the theme of the passage itself, since the topics that are also discussed such as: The F.D.A.’s position in the agriculture industry, stopping any kinds of bacterial, viral or chemically tampered foods that could be a danger to any consumers’ wellbeing. The main Idea of Acheson’s passage is to get readers/consumers to be aware of the foods that are approved as well as safe guarding their wellbeing. Readers are reminded that consumers don’t only have to rely on what they purchase to eat. Acheson informs readers that some of the ways to avoid food hazards is to also “cook food to appropriate temperatures, keeping it reserved, properly handling raw meat” etc. This allows consumers to not only gain knowledge about what organization allows distribution of the various food products, but also informs readers of the responsibilities/actions required to safe guard their health/wellbeing. 
     Acheson cautiously reminds the readers about all the possible dangers that come with the food products that consumers buy on a daily basis. One could assume that with a line like “E.Coli in spinach, Salmonella in peanut butter” is enough of a self-conscience push for consumers to be mindful as well as divert their approach to the very food products that they purchase. This in that case, helps consumers to formulate better alternatives of healthy food products that are F.D.A approved. Whether the products will be judged based on natural facts, daily value percentage and expiration dates, it’s safe to say that consumers will be less at risk of health endangerment. 
   The passage also adds that the F.D.A ensures that if something slips under their radar , that they immediately take action on the situation so that whatever potentially unapproved product is released, that it would be dealt with and eradicated immediately before things go out of hand. This gives readers some reassurance about what they purchase but reminds them to be mindful about what they purchase. The passage constantly warns readers about the dangers of unsafe foods so that they could avoid dangerous results. 
   Acheson’s passage states over all the importance of the F.D.A. Also stating the responsibilities of the F.D.A. Along with informing consumers of the dangers of foods that are not approved by them. As well as the risks. Providing consumers the basic knowledge of how they themselves should handle food as well as ensuring their health. These all culminate all the elements of acherson’s passage.

Hey guys and gals, just keeping you guys up to date.

Here is the agenda thus far
As I get into my 4th day of college, (as well as keeping you readers informed with this 2nd post) I will be going over and cover some of the topics that are going to be discussed based on Eric Schlossen's New York Times best selling book Fast Food Nation. Stay tuned!-Ant.A.

P.s. It's my lil sisters 17th birthday !happy birthday to my punk sister Lisa!

And yes I am reading Brubakers captain America era work. I always liked his run but never owned his work . But this blog is about food! Unless there are some captain America themed treats... Until next time!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Welcome to my blog as well as witnessing the first of many posts on my blog page!

                                                               Greetings!   !
Hi!,Hello! Hiya! and most of all WELCOME! as you viewers/readers can see , this is the first post on this little 'ol blog of mine here.So I'm just fiddling with the kinks and getting accustomed to blog spot.Its part of my college assignment for ENG 101. But...thats not we're here right? You just so happened to randomly scroll down the internet and came across possibly a random link , which some how led you to this hear blog of mine? yes? no? maybe? okay..well I tried. But bare with me, because this is the beginning of something great. But as of right now its just gonna be a blog about food, and possibly about nutrition and anything else that comes along with it. So stay tuned and see ya soon!-Ant.A.