Two steps ahead/caution of poem by Anthony Andujar jr
Don't allow yourself to be stuck in illiteracy. Because that's how they get you, by going by their hearsay.
Keep learning with knowledge so that you can master that wordplay, and know all the words so that no one can take advantage by using that subliminal word slay.
Oh you didn't hear what they say?
Because you're too caught up by the double standards of what the media want you to play?
Mass hysteria set to destroy your entire mental state? And grill you like fish for them to sauté?
Knowledge is important. It is the ultimate sword against any unknown combatant that bears Ill will to your soul. They can't doop ya if you're able to exact words by tenfold.
Kid, I say this to you Because they hide, laughing and dancing, bearing it all.
Slow jamming around you in hooves more hidden than what's behind a bathroom stall.
They look safe, they look clean, but they got your mind and soul wrapped up by what they claim.
Devilish smiles of silver tongue charm,
if you don't learn then you will never know why they benefit from you at all.
you'll end up as a statistic, because you didn't look in the fine print,
Or get that lawyer to help you look over it.
They all got tricks, using fictional AK's, that's what most businesses do.
And if you don't learn now, they'll be two steps ahead of you, because you bonded your soul with consent.
Remember, at the end of the day there will always be a bigger fish than you, you and you.
Just recognize that there is a shark tank of a world ready to consume you, especially if you act by trying to abide by what's considered cool.
Form your own mind, don't jump on assumptions.
Wait professor? Wouldn't that be a double standard or something?
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