Saturday, July 2, 2016

Drawing a series of Artist hangouts. My life as a Comic Book by Anthony Andujar Jr

I thought about this idea where I would draw a series of hangouts with friends of mine from Laguardia Community College who dabble in illustration, painting, writing, music etc. It all started with the hangout at South Street Seaport (back in June 24th) where a couple of friends of mine and I went walking around, eating ,drinking, the whole kabash.  I figured that to make it productive for myself that I would illustrate this series of hangouts. It was fun since it was just a group of art students of similar fields just hanging out and genuinely enjoying each others company.  I wanted to reflect that in my Illustrations and keep that sorta of tradition going forward. In a sense, the drawings sorta of influenced my  spin off blog  t that is solely devoted to my comics and (primarily) comic strips that I make. SO I wanted to keep that sort of consistency and post it on here.

After that, June 30th, I recently got invited to go to a fellow friend/ artist's (Mirtha's) house to hangout with other friends, and watch the fireworks in her backyard. and so, we did. We had a good time, had some wine , had laughs, good conversations about life as such.

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