Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fanboy Factor Comic Reviews 8/17/16 Anthony Andujar Jr

Stop by the Fanboy Factor website to read two new comic book reviews that I wrote about.

  Personally I'm loving the current Superman run by Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason and Doug Manhke. I think that a book about the OG Superman going around the DCU teaching his son Jon to understand and use his powers aside from learning what it means to be a genuinely good person is an entertaining factor that I really enjoy, along with Lois Lane who really steps up in the 5th issue of the series. If you want to read my thoughts on the full 5th issue of the Superman title, you can press or copy and paste the link to the web browser, and read theme on the Fanboy Factor website and give your thoughts on the comic.

Here is the link:

 Also I reviewed Valiant's Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10 which concludes the Labyrinth arc. It's a really interesting series as is most of the Valiant comic books ever since their revival a few years back. If you want to read my thoughts about the comic, just check the link, or copy and paste it into the web browser (which will lead you to the website). and let me know your thoughts on the book, or whether you agree or disagree with my opinions.

Here is the link:

Currently I'm working on a fan comic with some friends aside from an animation project and finishing up three paintings, so I've been a bit busy, but I'll post some art work up soon!.

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