Thursday, September 15, 2016

New Comic Book Reviews this week!! 9/15/16 by Anthony Andujar Jr

   Gerard Way is writing the new Doom Patrol series!? Two Face's plot thickens in Scott Snyder's Batman story, Dan Jurgens has the Man of Steel get to the bottom of an investigation, the person of interest in this investigation is ..Clark Kent!? Robert Venditti has The Eternal Warrior make a dark Deal!? Joshua Williamson lifts the mysterious curtain as The Flash discovers the Identity of God Speed his newest Enemy!?!?! If you want to read my thoughts on such books, you can check out the Comic Book reviews at the Fanboy Factor website.

All Star Batman #2 (DC Comics):

Doom Patrol #1 (DC Comics):

Action Comics #963 (DC Comics):

The Flash #6  (DC Comics):

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #11 (Valiant Entertainment):

To see these reviews, you can copy the Url link and paste it into the web browser and you'll find it from there.

These are My top comic picks of the week thus far. I really enjoyed these books so far, which is great because I get to recommend these book's to those who are looking for good or fun stories. If anyone has some suggestions of other books I should check out, feel free to let me know. In addition, what was your fave titles that you've been reading as of late? Let me know! By the way, I'm almost done with the comic book that I've been working on. 8 pages left to go! Jeff Parker said it best "It's not about perfection, It's about getting the work done".

That's the motto I've been going by as of late. Also I have to add that The current writer of the new DC Cyborg ongoing title John Semper Jr gave a nice compliment for the review that I had written. It's a cool moment for me since he was one of the head writers for the classic 90's Spider-Man cartoon series.
I'll see you guys next week with some new reviews and some new content very soon. To those that have been reading my content and supporting me, I appreciate it and thank you. Have a good day and a good weekend everyone! 
Wish me the best on this little date I'm gonna be on with a lady who shares the same name as a woman that the character Tony loved and sang about from the classic film West Side Story. Because this fortune cookie seems to be wishing me the opposite like the video from the Casually Explained series on Youtube:

Have a good one!!!!

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