Thursday, November 10, 2016

Fanboy Factor Comic Book Reviews of the Week and my Superman story 11/9/16 by Anthony Andujar Jr

     Despite the troubles of America, and the frustrations that are reflected around the globe, It's times like these where one needs a temporary place of escape to find some sort of peace, or to calm themselves down despite the outrage of who has been elected as President of the United States.I don't want ot have to make this a political post since I've already posted some thoughts on social media, so I'll leave it alone. Despite my disappointment with current events, here are some reviews on comics that offer and encourage a bit of optimism.

Action Comics #967 (DC Comics):

Detective Comics #944 (DC Comics) :

Doom Patrol #3 (DC Comics) :

The Flash #10 (DC Comics) :

Aside from this, I'm currently working on finishing 5 extra pages that my co-writers and I are still hard at work completing for the comic that's been in progress since May. Despite other things, I've been editing a short story piece that I made for an assignment for my Children's Literature course taught by Professor Terry Cole. It's not necessarily, a children's class per say, more of a class that focuses on the legends, myth's ,fables, folk tales, fairy tales, novels, poems and comic books/ strips that have influenced or have been changed by society to be accessible to the sensibilities of the children of today. My professor handed everyone a sheet full of characters that the class had covered from the various formats of literature. The assignment required students to pick three characters from the list of 20 of the listed characters, and write them down on to a card. Once the student makes their picks, they give the card to the professor and the professor would then decide which specific character would be assigned to each student based off the choices that were listed. I thought my professor was gonna play devil's advocate and send Wonder Woman my way since he knew that I'm an avid and somewhat well versed comic book fan, who appreciates comics as a literary medium which can be viewed as underrated at times. I was coming up with ideas and concepts on a Wonder WOman short story that would focus on her views and place amongst humanity, but to my surprise, I was assigned the granddaddy of all superheroes.

Superman Is a huge favorite of mine for a variety of reasons:

1) He is an Immigrant, an extraterrestrial from Krypton who bears human features, but still, an immigrant.

2) Although he has god like powers, he was adopted by a young american couple and raised with humanistic, idealistic american values. Since his adopted parents are farmers, he knew what it was like to be poor. That's something Batman never dealt with, yes he has been dealt with tragedy, but at the end of the day he has always had a butler, and a fortune that would ensure his wealth for as long as he lives and beyond. Beyond being human, batman isn't that relatable to working class citizens when you consider this.

3) Superman is essentially the last of his kind aside from Supergirl and Superboy. but long before they came along, he was essentially alone for most of the prime years of his career. He has to constantly play a balancing act between being, Clark Kent (Humanity), Kal El (Culture), and being Superman (ideals of what humanity could be). The world is literally on his shoulders, and every move he makes is targeted for political, religious, and scientific debate. When you think about that, that has to be a lot of pressure, and rough on an individual who has to bear all that on a daily basis. Especially when there is barely anyone who understands what it means to be the last of your culture, making one feel isolated than involved within society.

SO I wrote a 20 page short story based on questions of what society would think of Superman, and focused the story more about Clark Kent than his publicly known alias. This is just one of many projects that I've been working on in between everything.  

In addition, I've been making some art pieces for my Art and Design Seminar class. So I decided to make a piece inspired by a great day where my Violet Flower Maria and I went to see Doctor Strange (my second viewing) and enjoyed it again just as much as I did the first time. It was such a great day that I decided to do a representation of that day and capture that moment based off of a selfie that she and I took together. 

 Also, I recently interviewed an artist friend who I'm collaborating on a project with, Jose Garcia, so that interview should be showing up sometime during the weekend.

EIther way, I hope you enjoy the comic reviews of the week, and I hope everyone has a cool and level headed mindset despite the temporary chaos that is plaguing society and America

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