Saturday, January 21, 2017

New Comic Book Reviews 1/18/17 Anthony Andujar Jr

Hi guys! Despite a orange cheeto becoming the new "President", please note, that his position cannot prevent you from continuing to do your thing, whether you're a woman, LGBT, hispanic, black, asian, white etc, It's up to you, it's up to us to make a better future for our fellow neighbors no matter what ignorance from the media and the world try to dish out. ANYWHO.... currently working on three comic projects steadily, but that's not what you're here for! Here are the comics that I reviewed for this week!!!!

Batman #15 was a very small, intimate issue of bittersweet romance.

Superman #15 continues the multiverse quest of saving all of the other supermen that are being snuffed out of the multiverse by a hidden adversary.

The Justice League are now under the control of Maxwell Lord. How will Batman, and the remaining memebers of Task Force X fare against Lord's new dark power?

 Those are the titles that I've reviewed, other than that, to all those who are out there marching, keep marching and stay safe, be peaceful as can be, protect yourselves and stay positive! -Ant A.

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