Sunday, June 3, 2018

Flash-Speed Buggy#1 & other Comicbook Reviews! 5/30/18 by Ant Andujar Jr

     Hi guys! It's been a heck of a time these past two months. As usual I've been busy sluggishly working through projects. Other things that have occured is just personal life stuff which everyone deals with and some how, in some way,  powers through in life.  But comic reviews are still happening as you guys can see at the Fanboy Factor website!

Here are some reviews from last week:

Scott Lobdell and Brert Booth hit readers fast and strong with a solid crossover between two unlikely speedsters in The Flash-Speedbuggy #1 crossover:

Justice League: No Justice issuw 4 review:

 And Doomsday Clock issue 5 Review:

    Personally for me, my favorite of the three comics reviewed is most defintely The Flash - Speedbuggy crossover. Largely in part because it was a very fun and wacky book that story wise was enjoyable to read. Scott Lobdell's writing accompanied by Brett Booth's art really makes it a treat for the eyes and mind.

  There will be more reviews as usual. Other than that, I'm still alive and kicking, and I only hope you all are continuing to do the same. Take the time to love yourself and appreciate the good company that you keep! Life is full of rough patches, so hopefully we can all make life bareable for ourselves and our loved ones by showing some kindness however best we can.  Have a good weekend!

Sometimes you never know who's checking your content out. So when you have a bad day, try to remember that there is always room for better days. And sometimes when you think no one is paying attention, somewhere out there, someone is. Keep your head up y'all!

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