This is it! The ultimate fate of the universe will be decided as the war between Justice and Doom draws to a close!
The Justice League have traveled to other dimensions, fought monsters beyond time and space, but nothing could prepare them for the final battle. With Martian Manhunter finally free from Apex Lex’s grasp, will his return be enough to stop Perpetua and Apex Lex once and for all?
The writing: Within the last decade, Snyder has always gone big with his stories, and given his time on Justice League, he definitely has. During this run, the League has been pitted against ancient ocean lords, cosmic gods from the 6th dimension, and beings from beyond time and space. With each installment things escalated higher and higher, making this title a real treat to read with each installment. In this final issue of Snyder’s run on Justice League, it is bittersweet. The League find themselves in a position that readers will wonder how they will come back from because I certainly pondered about what transpired during their battle with perpetua. The first part of the book is bombastic and kinetic, with everything moving at a pace that left me wanting to see what happens next, and then the unexpected happened.
Part of me wanted to see how Snyder would have handled the aftermath within this title, but given that Venditti is taking over the title, and with rumors about a Dark Nights Metal sequel, I can see why he may have written the last issue of his run the way he did. It’s hard not to discuss the polarizing ending because, in some aspects, it feels very Grant Morrison, but in another way, it seems pretty dark in regards to how things turned out. Because what transpires is simple yet complex in regards to the message that the book presents. The idea that the fight for the Justice of everything is never-ending, and is something that many should aspire to do, be it helping your fellow man or opposing the powers that be to provide a better tomorrow. I’m left wondering whether or not the events of Snyder’s run will be acknowledged in Venditti’s upcoming run on the title. Now with that said, is the book terrible? No. Could it have been better? Possibly. Given the rumors and announcements that Snyder has planned for 2020, I’m sure he’ll answer all the questions. My only gripe is that I wished that he had wrapped things up fully in this book instead of previewing how he’ll truly wrap things up in the book that he and longtime collaborator Greg Capullo will be working on.
In regards to the art department, Jorge Jimenez, Daniel Sampere and Juan Albarran each stick the landing for this final issue of Snyder’s run. The layouts all feel grand, with every panel drawn with a lot of detail and subtlety that makes it worth rereading just for the art alone. Hi-Fi’s colors enhance the artwork even further giving it the right cosmic flair to match the story of this book. Napolitano did an excellent job lettering the book, giving the art room to breathe, while also placing the narration perfectly with the moments that matter most.
Overall, this final entry on Snyder’s Justice League title could have been better, but that doesn’t take away from the book being an enjoyable read, and I think that it’s worthwhile picking up for new comic book day.