Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Flash #87 Review By Anthony Andujar Jr

Will the Flash succeed in finding balance within the speed force? What will become of The Flash and Captain Cold’s rivalry after their last confrontation? And who has it out for The Flash, and what does that mean for his future!?
Joshua Williamson has provided a new dynamic to The Flash that continues to add to the characters legacy. This issue was a very enjoyable tea for a variety of reasons. The Flash and Captain Cold friendly rivalry is no more, pushing these characters into new territory that makes it exciting to explore. Williamson delivers some fantastic character work and it shows in his treatment of Captain Cold, who is more vicious than ever before. It’s interesting seeing The Flash being in a place that he doesn’t often reside such as Arkham Asylum, despite not showcasing too much to a point where it becomes a Batman book. The plot is fantastic and establishes a potentially new status quo that will shake this book up for months to come.
In regards to the art, Christian Duce delivers what might possibly be his best work. Duce hammers the story with fantastic layouts, and we’ll rendered character illustrations that look powerful in every sense of the word. There are some panels where Duce showcases some beautiful contrasts with his shadows that make the book look so damn good that it’s amazing that he is able to showcase quality with every issue he lends his talents to. While Duce’s layouts are gorgeous to look at between gutters, Luis Gurrero’s colors blanket every page with vibrancy, making the book worthwhile to read, and with Steve Wands lettering, it’s a no brainer. This was a very superb issue that was enjoyable to read from start to finish. I highly recommend adding this to your pull list for new comic book day

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