Comic Artists interview Artists series by Anthony Andujar Jr.
I made this Interview series after my cat Kitcat passed away in the beginning of 2016. I kept trying to get myself to focus on positive things. After reading an awesome interview with Actor Daniel Craig and musician Thom Yorke it sparked one thing. But what really pushed me to interview fellow up and coming illustrators that I know or admire was this: I rewatched Star Wars Episode 1 and all I keep wondering was: why did George Lucas create Jar Jar Binks!? And thus, this interview series was born. The first person I decided to interview from my long list of interviewees is my fellow illustrator friend Joanthony Jiminez, a Fine Arts 2015 graduate from Laguardia Community College. Interviewer: Anthony Andujar Jr. Interviewee: Joanthony Jiminez.
Q1: Was Art always apart of your family tradition? How did you stumble upon it?
Joa.J: No one in my family draws. I wasn't "destined" to draw. All I did was pick up a pencil, and draw funny comics without any dialogue. It just so happened that it was funny to people that I know. How I really developed it as a daily thing was when I took a trip to D.R. (Dominican Republic). I met this guy who was literally my Obi Wan Kenobi. He asked me if I was okay with drawing Dragon Ball Z (which was fucking awesome), and through that, helped me connect the dots . That's how I learned how to draw.
Q2: When did you start taking art seriously?
Joa.J: I'd say freshman year of high school. It was the window where people would be weird to me about my art. I was super uncomfortable with people who complimented my work. Which is because I wasn't "mystifying" art. And what I mean by that, is that anyone can draw. It's not a "what you see is what you get" sort of thing. You just need to pick up a pencil, and just try to draw. Just develop the patience and just learn how to apply your own understanding on how to draw. I don't know how else to explain it, but just don't give up.
Q3. What was it like transitioning from high school to your college career?
Joa.J : When I went to college I was learning basic education. But when I went to Laguardia Community College, people convinced me to do Fine Arts. I'm not sure on the specifics on how I made the transition. All I know is that when I was told that Laguardia and SVA has a good relationship, I was like "Woah!" But to be honest, I was really going with the flow.
Q4. When getting started on your daily schedule, what do you do to produce the tunnel vision necessary to complete your work?
Joa.J: I always get artist block. What I do to prepare is this: I put on some fucking Heavy Metal music. I strap myself to my chair and don't get up until I produce something.
Q5. What was the first drawing or comic that you remember creating as a child?
Joa.J: BJK Heroes! It was a story of three friends: Bruce , Joe(myself) and Kevin! It was a comic that everyone that I knew loved. It was a comedy version of marvel studios before its time.
Q6. Who are your illustrative influences? (Comics, film, etc).
Joa.J: Jack Kirby. In terms of visionary: Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Edgar Wright, and recently, Paul Thomas Anderson. They are my makers *insert mad scientist voice*. Haha.
Q7. If you were to make a comic book to an album, which album would it be?
Joa.J : that's an awesome question..
Ant.A: I know, I've been thinking of these questions my whole entire life haha.
Joa. J: I would make a comic based on Magical Mystery Tour by the Beatles. Although, the first album I ever bought was Toxicity by System of a Down. But it's definitely the Beatles as the comic of choice.
Q8. How did you get yourself involved in comics as a career path/goal? Why did you decide to stick with it?
Joa. J: Marvel Comics was the first time and I ever considered the thought. I had one of those anthology books, most notably Jack Kirby's giant run on Fantastic Four. It was right then and there that I decided to pursue it as a career.
Q9. If you were to make a comic based on a fruit, what fruit would you choose? why that fruit? and what would be your brief synopsis?
Joe. J : I would choose a zucchini and I would insert a penis joke in there. We'll leave it at that. Hahahahaha.
Q10. What established comic character would you like to work on? What would you keep? What would you change? And what story would you make in your interpretation?
Joa.J: PUNISHER. I'd make a story about the Punisher. I would keep the bad -assery of a punisher story. What I would change.. Is his origin story. But he wouldn't know about it. I would make it a one-shot story in which he wouldn't know that his family actually survived and are living well. I would pose the question: would the punisher still be himself if her knew that his family was alive and well?
Ant. A: that's one hell of a story, and You heard it here first folks!!! In case you see a story published, just know that got it from Joanthony Jiminez!
Q11. If you could compare yourself to a comic character of any medium, who would it be and why?
Joa. J: Damn. I want to say the Silver Surfer because I like the idea of his redemption. He's a man who goes from being a totally evil guy, to a guy who realizes that there is more to life than causing destruction. I don't know, I guess I relate to his philosophical side, always wondering about my place in existence and in life I guess.
Q12. If you could do your own continuation of a film series, what would film /film series would it be, why that film? And how would you handle the concepts?
Joa.J : I got this! Tron Legacy! But I would call it Tron 3. My concept: it would be that the Tron world would leak into the real world. I feel that there is a great injustice to that series. But that's what I would do, that would be my interpretation.
Q13. 30 years from now, how would you like to see your work be remembered?
Joa.J: I want it to go out like the way Kevin Smith did with his. I want it to be Fandom for the Fans.
Q14. What is your artistic flaw?
Joa.J: My Laziness, it's easily my biggest flaw.
Q15. If you had a chance to speak to a deceased artist, writer or filmmaker, who would it be? And what would you hope to discuss?
Joa. J: Stanley Kubrick. I would ask him only this question: How does he know when he has that perfect shot.
Q16. Any Artistic regrets?
Joa.J: Umm, not learning color, but then again that is a plus too. I was once told that not knowing how to paint, is the best way to paint.
Q17. Last question, What would you advise to the young aspiring artists or to your younger self?
Joa.J: I wouldn't say anything! All I would do, is put Journey's song and sing "Don't stop believing! Hold on to the feeling...."
That was the first interview for my Artists interview Artists showcase. stay tuned for next week's next interviewee.
this was a great read!