Thursday, June 16, 2016

Reflecting about Drawing By Fordham University by Anthony Andujar Jr. 6/15/16

Blog post ant 6/14/16 . 
Here is a more optimistic post than the last post that I made a few days ago (sunday 6/13/16).
I made a trip to the housing offices down in fordham ( just to do young adult stuff, which by the way, i don't know if they tell ya kids, but it ain't fun! haha).  When I was heading to the housing offices, I took the Bx17 bus from where I live and was drawing during the ride. As I was drawing this piece of female knight ready to combat evil demons. Unknown to me, this woman next to me have me this piece, told me "I hope you don't feel offended " and then left to her stop. I opened the letter when I got to the offices and was sorta surprised and not surprised. 

     I couldn't blame her, because as soon as I sat down, some woman saw the same drawing and she just started rambling about saying that the man with the horns is a "good guy" and that she had been there since the beginning of time, seeing lucifer fall from heaven. Sodom and Gomorrah, being stoned during the Salem witch trials, being enslaved for having multiple colors of skin and all this other stuff. Basically, I'm pretty sure she had an interesting trip of the multiverse. Point is, you never know how people will react to a piece of work that you make and how they interpret it. Soon after that woman left, There was a kid who saw my art and her mother told me that she draws everyday. Before she left, I gave her this quick sketch of #supergirl drawing as a gift and reminder to never stop.  
 After a long day at the housing offices I was heading out, until I came across this thing that NYPL (#New York public library) and #UNI were doing which was promoting people and kids in their communities to read and draw. One thing lead to another and I ended up drawing superheroes for kids. 

  I did some portraits (unintentionally got paid for it).  

I drew a portrait of the supervisors (Leah and Ester ), and encouraged kids to keep drawing and inspiring the communities you live in.  

It's the little acts of kindness, positivity and encouragement that makes a difference. Because you never know who's life you'll be impacting. Some people suggested that I should be a professor discussing about how comic books reflect the human condition just like historical mythology does. Maybe one day. Who knows. Anywho, back to my painting final.  Wish me luck man!!!!!! its due Friday June 17th!

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