What is an allusion
To an illusion if there is no reference of text?
Mass media coverage that hide information about who could be next.
Huxley and Orwell prophesying words like bibles to vets.
Who is next to keep in check in order to keep a balance for all that is.
Leave society a quiz on how it is.
The pop question of this cohesive theme is:
What can be made to transcend, avenge, apprehend and be twisted to be used against
Answer: the law.
But which law?
Legal? Religious? Vicious? Superstitious? Malicious?
Okay, I am sorry. This is an exaggeration of word play
In a post 9/11 Information Age state.
Where comments are more cynical to date, and the cliches can be predictable until it changes face.
Samples used with out referenced sources leaving uncredited creators with no penny and recognition in place.
A future imperfect but not horrible Mr David.P.
Yet the drones made while information is leaked for better or for worse are plain to see.
People are still fighting amongst themselves
Blinded by the real culprit
That's creating their cells.
So when you are not looking,
They are incorporating the ingredients for the booking.
But that is an exaggeration.
But not an impossibility.
I'll write a dystopian story,
A dystopian poem for the optimistic in you and I.
Written for
You and me,
As a reminder,
As a warning,
As an ongoing story,
So that the wars of irony
Become no more.
To be Written
Incase of one day
Creativity is no longer
Substantial with substance
And no longer
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