Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Comic Book Reviews of the Week 3/1/17 by Anthony Andujar Jr

It is the first of March!!!!!!! Logan comes out this week (which you can read my review here: ) the new Kong movie Skull Island , Netflix Iron Fist all come out this month! March Madness I suppose? okay, bad joke, bad "dad" joke, I can't help it. Can you blame me? (okay, you guys probably can blame me for my sense of humor hahaha).  Here are the first slew of comic book reviews of the week for the first week of March. 

   Tom King is bringing the hits with his current Bane arc. It's interesting the kind of parallels that Batman and Bane have as two individuals who've had similar situations, yet distinctly different which lead to two different out comes. This issue explores some of that within this third chapter of the I Am Bane arc which you can read the rest of my review on Batman #18 here:

 Speaking of firsts, I've finally taken the time to read Tim Seeley's Nightwing series and I fraggin Love it! (See what I did there? using the word 'fraggin'? Lobo phrases? pop culture reference went over your head and didn't land eh? I need to quit trying to be a comedian). In all seriousness, Tim Seeley really understands the character of Dick Grayson and truly channels the essence of the character in a way that make's you wish that he was writing a Spider-Man series. In Nightwing #16 a certain figure is looking in the shadows, tailing Nightwing in every corner, and in the midst of all of this, Damian has a score to settle with Nightwing. What kinda score does Robin want to settle with Nightwing? Simple: Who is the worthy successor of Batman. How is Grayson gonna sort out the madness? You can read my review here in regards to what I thought of the first chapter of the Nightwing Must Die arc here:

  Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are coming in swinging with the Superman Reborn arc! What might be the connections to the seeds that were sewn since the beginning of DC Rebirth? WHo is the Doppelganger CLark Kent that has been roaming the pages of Dan Jurgens Actions Comics, and what is his connection to the events happening with the SUperman titles as well as DC Rebirth? There have been so many questions, and it looks like they may start being answered here, in Superman #18:

                          What have you guys been reading lately from Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Boom Studios, IDW, Valiant etc? Sound off and have a good weekend! 

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