Sunday, May 15, 2016

90s Spider-man animated series brief reflections by Anthony Andujar Jr 5/15/16

      I haven't been feeling so well. I guess due to the weather changin up throughout the whole week. Despite this, i decided that I took some downtime to rewatch the 90s spider-man series. I always enjoyed the Stan Lee soapbox. No other marvel cartoons after the 90s/early 2000's have this featurette. In addition, I still admire how series writer John Semper Jr managed to adapt the crossovers  in the same manner as the comics. This classic series showcased characters like Captain America, IronMan, Daredevil, Punisher, The Midnight Suns (Doctor Strange, Blade), X-men, Fantastic Four in addition to adapting a better adaption of the Clone Saga and the classic 80s Secret Wars storyline. Reflecting on this series is great since this was a decade before the mainstream audience would come to know and appreciate the Marvel Cinematic Universe let alone comic book culture long before they and the content were held with such respectful regard.

 I also enjoy the classic 60s Spider-Man episodes that are included in the DVDs .I do love spectacular spider-man just as much as the 90s cartoon). Although I own the season 1 of the 90s Fantastic Four and X-Men series, along with X-men: Evolution , Spectacular Spider-Man , and other classic shows (I just need the 90s Batman and Superman series along with Justice League /Unlimited series , the rest of the DC animated movies, and Teen Titans 2003 series). But I always enjoy listening to the creators behind the scenes of the very things that drive what I've always and will do. Whenever I rewatch this series, or watch the George Perez section of ultimate Avengers, or the behind the scenes stuff of the Sam Raimi Spider-Man (2002) movie. It always reminds me to keep doing what I love to do. I mean in terms of Marvel, and comics in general, I still read Spider-Man among all other titles. He's still my top fave superhero over all. 

When I was younger, Pre 9/11 and post 9/11 I clinged a lot to Spider-Man as much as I did Batman or Wolverine. Obviously the reason why i clinged to spider-man wasn't just because of his awesome costume , or because of the playstation 1 game, or the Brian Bendis Ultimate Spider-Man comics, or the Sam Raimi films, or John Romita Jr spider-man illustrations. I clung to that character due to his everyman sensibilities, and as a relatable character that was far from being a perfect person. Always trying to maintain his responsibilities even when he does not want to be responsible. Constantly rejected by women, until he starts to focus on his goals, and eventually get better as a person and grow up to be a great man ( minus the Quesada One More Day retcon). I'm all over the place right? Can I just say, aside from Maguire (who was great) tom holland is the perfect Peter Parker /Spider-Man? Right? I'll shut up now and eat some soup.

 #amazingspiderman #spectacularspiderman #90sspidermancartoon #1990s 
#tobeymaguire #tomholland #joshkeaton #danielbarns #johnsemperjr #captainamericaCivilwar

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