Friday, May 13, 2016

Quick thoughts on Radiohead: A Moon Shaped Pool album by Anthony Andujar Jr

  Quick thoughts on Radiohead: A Moon Shaped Pool album by Anthony Andujar Jr

 A Moon Shaped  Pool  (album 9) isn't a definite improvement on the King of limbs (album 8, 2011) . A Moon Shaped Pool is actually a definitely is a successor of In Rainbows (album 7 , 2007) for sure. It's a fresh album that definitely feels like a smoother transition from In Rainbows than The  King of Linbs  did. Heck, the album art (by Stanley Donwood)  is reminiscent to his previous work on In Rainbows, like as if a young man is reaching adulthood.  I'm glad they finally added "The Present Tense ", "identikit", "Ful Stop", "Numbers", "desert island disk", and a finalized version of "true love waits" after years /decades of tweaking them and performing iterations of them live. 

  Although I  wished they kept the cochella version of "identikit " Heck, I hope they end up releasing "Skirting on the Surface" when they release the special edition and physical copy in June! . But nonetheless , I'm happy to say it's a good album that I'll be listening to multiple times this year. #amoonshapedpool #thomyorke #alternative #electronic #orchastral

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